It affects both boys and girls.
Aesthetician Maria Argeitou, who has extensive experience in the sensitive issue of teenage acne, which is so concerning for children when they are faced with it, explains to us the important things we need to keep in mind. Primarily, however, it requires specialized treatment, discretion and a special approach and of course deep knowledge of the different cases that one may encounter in order to achieve the desired result.
Teenage acne appears at the exact moment when children begin to care about their appearance and beauty. It is indeed very annoying and unpleasant to see a child’s beautiful skin changing, filling with blackheads or small white cysts. However, we should be comforted by the fact that teenage acne will run its course and pass, as long as we take appropriate care so that during its passage no permanent damage is created to the skin.
Every mother, as soon as she notices this change in her child’s skin, should visit a skin specialist with him , who will explain to the child with great care and love what is going to happen to his skin and what he should do to deal with this change as painlessly as possible. It is important to help the child understand that the priority is clean skin – he must always keep it in perfect condition in this regard. He must clean it morning and evening with an appropriate cleansing product, but not more than twice a day. Also, after sports activities – which are very common at this age – he must remove sweat from his face with clean water. As well as everything else and necessarily, he must have a good professional cleaning, at an experienced beautician, as often as necessary. In this way, he will be able to avoid, possibly, long-term pharmaceutical treatments and indelible marks.
It is also essential and fundamental for him to fully understand that he should never, under any circumstances, attempt to clean his skin on his own, as there is a risk of creating infections.
It is important to know that acne has periods of flare-ups and remissions and that it is primarily influenced by hormones, stress and poor diet. We must enrich children’s diets with fruits and vegetables and remove anything that adds toxins to the body.
It is certain that with timely and proper care, teenage acne will pass without leaving behind its scars.
Maria Argeitou, . Contact number: 210 674 2622.