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Lately, it is true that I have noticed that my skin is more oily and prone to acne. Of course, I did not like this feeling of oiliness at all, nor did the pimples that visited me from time to time. So I decided to do a facial cleansing as I had never done one before (I thought this is the perfect gift for your skin this holiday season) and I visited Mrs. Mary Argeitou, the beautician who always shares her skincare beauty tips with us at, and I trust her completely. She welcomed me on a rainy morning at her Aesthetics Institute, Health & Beauty Care, and I really felt from the first moment that she would help me solve the problem of persistent oiliness – in short, that she is my man!

So while I was enjoying the cleansing of my skin (perfect feeling) by Mrs. Argeitou, we agreed to ask her a few questions that concern all women – of course about the routine we need to follow to have a healthy and beautiful face.

From the very first moment she said that she completely agrees with the well-known dermatologist and researcher Howard Murad that “a clean face is a beautiful face”. The starting point of our conversation inspired me to listen to all the advice she had to give us. Many times we talk about how important cleansing is but we have not realized that even to have beautiful makeup, a basic requirement is that our skin is clean.

So we started with the question we receive most frequently here at What is the right skincare routine for us?

Ms. Argeitou answered us that first of all it is necessary to keep in mind our skin care as a daily routine and stressed that she completely agrees with Professor Murad who said that “from childhood we should show the same persistence and diligence in cleaning our skin as when we brush our teeth. From the age of 14 we need to systematically clean our skin with the appropriate product – morning and evening“. Systematic cleaning will help our skin to “breathe” from the layers of makeup, exhaust fumes and city pollutants. Important note: cleaning should be done with gentle circular movements on the neck and décolleté, as – as she told us – a woman seems to grow first from the outer surface of the hands, the neck and décolleté and then from the face. Then he told us that an equally important step is moisturizing the face with a cream that is appropriate for our needs.

While I was relaxing in Ms. Argeitou’s hands, I asked her something I hear very often from my friends and acquaintances: Why does one have to cleanse their face in the morning if the entire process is done at night?

Ms. Argeitou explained to us that our skin “works” during the night to repair the damage of the previous day, that is, to eliminate toxins. So through this process, residues are left behind – sebum and dead cells – which can only be removed through cleansing.

Chapter: Blackheads – What can we do to reduce annoying blackheads?

Μας απάντησε ότι εάν προσέχουμε και ακολουθούμε την ρουτίνα, με τα κατάλληλα για εμάς προϊόντα, που περιέγραψε θα μειωθεί η εμφάνισή τους. Φυσικά, μας πρότεινε να κάνουμε καθαρισμό με κάποιο scrub 1 με 2 φορές την εβδομάδα. Εάν όμως τα αισθανόμαστε έντονα όταν ακουμπάμε το δέρμα μας τότε ήρθε η ώρα για ένα καθαρισμό από μία ειδικό και καλό θα είναι να μην το αμελούμε.

Then, on the occasion of the rainy weather and my probably incorrect statement that I did not wear sunscreen, she explained to us that even in winter the sun is strong and it is necessary to put sunscreen not only on the face but on all exposed areas such as hands and décolleté. For most women, sunscreen has been associated with summer and sunbathing, but the sun remains strong in the winter months, which is why sunscreen should always be with us.

As I continued to enjoy my cleansing treatment, I thought to ask her: What concerns the women who visit her the most?She immediately responded that they will be able to keep their skin radiant and naturally youthful. She explained that she follows the philosophy of Professor Murad on the holistic approach to beauty—meaning that mental and physical well-being are directly linked to beauty. Therefore, she encouraged us to pay attention to our diet, telling us: “Eat your water,” by choosing raw fruits and vegetables for better hydration of the body, activate the body and clear your mind from stress.

As I slowly completed the cleansing process, I felt much more comfortable with my skin as I noticed that those annoying pimples under my eyebrows had disappeared and if I followed Ms. Argeitou’s instructions closely, they would not appear again. It is worth mentioning at this point that I had some doubts about the redness that I had heard about remaining on the face after a cleansing, but I did not encounter any such problem – I was ready and refreshed to return to the office.

As I was leaving Ms. Argeitou’s Institute very happy and truly thrilled with the result, I thought that this was the ideal gift I could give myself for the new year, on the one hand because my skin felt smooth after a long time and on the other hand because I heard such useful advice. My face literally glowed but also with joy! Now I can’t wait for my next visit – it was a perfect experience that I recommend to you, because “a clean face is a beautiful face”.

Mary Argeitou, Contact number: 210 6742 622.