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Facial ServicesOiliness Adult Acne

Oiliness Adult Acne

Facial cleansing for acne

Often, adolescent skin problems continue to trouble many people even after adulthood, while for others they may appear for the first time at a more mature age.

Oiliness, acne, and imperfections can affect self-confidence and quality of life, making proper skin care necessary at any age.

One of the most effective ways to improve the skin is facial cleansing for acne, which helps remove excess oil, dead cells, and impurities, helping to reduce inflammation and imperfections.

The distinguished American dermatology professor Dr. Murad, one of the top experts in his field, has developed a comprehensive treatment approach for these cases, based on the use of fruit acids and regulating water in skin tissues. This approach not only aims to address the symptoms but also to enhance the healthy functioning of the skin, helping to maintain balance and hydration.

Equally effective are the treatments by Exuviance, which utilize poly-hydroxy acids (PHAs), vitamins, and herbal extracts. Combined with a professional facial cleansing for acne, these compositions offer immediate control of oiliness, improve skin texture and appearance, and enhance cell renewal, making the skin smoother and healthier.